Monday, February 26, 2007

Whoops, another blog is born

My mom was always fond of reminding me that my birth was entirely accidental.

Well the same can be said for this blog... I was just playing around posting a comment to my friend Heidi's blog when I went to register and PRESTO a blog was born.
I guess the ability to type in a password twice with the same letters passes for Tech-knowledge these days. As for my own birth, well those pages of my mom's college diary were mysteriously redacted.

Anyhow, I'm going to make a go of putting thoughts out here and if anybody cares to see them. So be it.

For more fascinating discussions about tech-knowledge go here.


Heidi Guarino said...

i told you it was easy! Welcome to the blogosphere!

The Angry Middle said...

I want some crazy science stuff!!!

Or crazy pseudoscience stuff, prove dinosaurs to me!!!!